Greek Mythology in Games

826NYC Post
Published in
Mar 31, 2023


By Jamar Stephen / Voiced by Ayana Alamgir

Hi, my name is Ayana, but I will be recording for Jamar. His topic is Greek mythology in games.

So one game is God of War. God of War is a video game series. It follows the story of Kratos, a Spartan warrior, who became the god of war as he seeks revenge against the gods.

Hades is a action role-playing game made by Supergiant Games. The game follows Zagreus, son of Hades, as he tries to escape the underworld. Along the way, he fights enemies, meets gods and goddesses who provide him with boons and blessings to aid his journey, and learns more about his family and past.

The games God of War, Hades, and Assassin’s Creed is all around the genre of Greek mythology. Thank you for listening! Have a good day! Bye!

